If you have been injured as the result of another person’s negligence, recklessness or intentional misconduct, you may have grounds for a personal injury tort claim. Resolving such claims, including filing a lawsuit, if needed, provides you with the opportunity to recover financial compensation for medical care, lost wages, emotional trauma, and possibly much worse.
Our Office’s experienced team will help you to determine the best course of action, ethically and aggressively. We have not only prosecuted hundreds of such claims, we also have years of invaluable experience on the “other side”—working for the insurance companies to defend such cases. After all, “always keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” We will meet with you to determine how you will best be served and how much your claim may be worth. We also can provide access to physicians who can treat on a deferred compensation basis for clients who find themselves in need of medical treatment while they are uncovered by health insurance–a problem facing more and more of us in these troubled economic times.
Our team will work hard to make you as whole as possible (sadly not always possible when the system really only allows for financial compensation) after experiencing a personal injury, whether it was from an automobile accident, dog attack, slip and fall, medical error or other event. The last thing you need after an injury is a stressful, complicated process. We are here to take that pressure off of your shoulders and to ensure that your rights are fully defended, at some of the lowest rates out there.
To discuss your potential case with our team, please call us at 602.495.6511, or email us for immediate and confidential assistance.